In late June, a big part of the Farne Islands experience is the aerial bombardment you’re subjected to as Arctic Terns defend their eggs and chicks…
I collected John from Bedlington, Colin and Martin from Morpeth and then Sue from Old Swarland (for her 4th trip with NEWT). A breezy but warm morning brought Curlew, Yellowhammer, Grey Seal, Shelduck and a Brown Hare running though short vegetation right on the shoreline. After lunch overlooking the Farne Islands we boarded the St Cuthbert and headed out of Seahouses Harbour. We were soon being passed by Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills and Gannets and soon the unmistakeable sound, and smell, of the seabird colony reached the boat. Landing on Inner Farne brought the expected mob of angry terns and we watched the tiny beak of an Arctic Tern chick as it chipped way at the eggshell surrounding it. Fulmars arced along the cliff tops, Kittiwakes were hanging on the strong breeze just a few metres away from us, Sandwich and Common Terns flew by without molesting us and Puffins peeked from their burrows. As we walked through the courtyard a lady walked by in the other direction; head down, hood pulled up and explaining to her friends how she’s really scared of birds. Inner Farne probably wasn’t the best choice of visitor attraction then…
4 responses to ““I’m really scared of birds”; Farne Islands Safari 30/06/16”
That was an experience never to be forgotten. Absolutely wonderful, especially seeing the Puffins with their beaks full of food going into their burrows.
Anyone can visit the island, but going with NEWT enhanced the trip due to Martin’s knowledge.
I’m looking forward to my next trip with him.
Glad you enjoyed it so much Sue! See you in November 🙂
Having moved to the North East 26 years ago,also being an RSPB member,had planned to visit the Farne Islands but never got round to it.
The day arranged by Northern Experience Wildlife Tours and Martin at NEWT was superb and did surpass my own and colleagues expectations. What a great day out.
Was a great way of celebrating our colleague & friend Martin’s retirement after an amazing 50 years service with United/Arriva.
Thank you once again,already planning to make the trip again next year with some friends who also are keen birders but have not been to the Farnes.
Hi John
Glad you all enjoyed it so much. Despite all the times I’ve visited the Farnes, it was a new experience for me to see a chick breaking out of it’s egg.
best wishes