Tag: Yellowhammer

  • In the summertime…Druridge Bay bespoke birdwatching 26/06/18

    Yesterday was Sue’s 8th day out with NEWT and after I collected her from Old Swarland we headed south east towards NEWT’s local patch, Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… We’re now starting our Druridge Bay trips with a riparian woodland walk, and Nuthatches were feeding noisy fledglings in the branches overhead, Blue, Great and Coal…

  • Localised weather systems; Cheviot Valleys group birdwatching 11/07/17

    Watching the weather forecast on the breakfast news, I was confident that any rain we encountered on our day in the Cheviot Valleys would be quickly passing showers… As I collected Mike and the other 12 members of his group from Belford there was a steady drizzle, and I was questioning the forecast already šŸ˜‰…

  • “I’m really scared of birds”; Farne Islands Safari 30/06/16

    In late June, a big part of the Farne Islands experience is the aerial bombardment you’re subjected to as Arctic Terns defend their eggs and chicks… I collected John from Bedlington, Colin and Martin from Morpeth and then Sue from Old Swarland (for her 4th trip with NEWT).Ā  A breezy but warm morning brought Curlew,…

  • Small things; Druridge Bay 24/05/16

    Waders are often spectacular, seabirds are enigmatic and raptors are, well, raptors, but sometimes the smaller birds deserve a lot more attention… I collected Stephen from North Shields for his 7th day trip with NEWT and we headed north to Druridge Bay.Ā  Days out with Stephen are always enjoyableStarting in bright sunshine under blue skies,…

  • More five star birdwatching; Northumberland coast 24/02/14

    Yesterday continued to lay to rest the myth that February is a quiet month… Starting in the north of the county, overlooking the iconic landscape of Holy Island, brought the expected waders and wildfowl, and three lifers for Paul and Katie, who were back for another day out with us, following a trip in 2009;…

  • Five star birdwatching; Northumberland Coast 20/02/14

    Our fourth trip this week was a day birdwatching with Simon, who was back again after previous trips including a stunning Farne Deeps pelagic in 2012.Ā  We’d spoken in advance of the trip and Simon was keen to add a few of Northumberland’s wintering birds to his life list; divers, grebes, Purple Sandpiper and Brambling…

  • Heading north…

    Living in southeast Northumberland, we’re spoiled by having easy access to some outstanding birdwatching areas.Ā  Holy Island, which we still think is at its best during the winter, is just an hour north up the A1… I collected Keith and Mary on Saturday morning and we crossed the causeway onto the island for a day…

  • Here for the weather?

    Just as I arrivedĀ at Harkess Rocks to collect Andy and Helen for an afternoon of birdwatching around the Holy Island of Lindisfarne and the North Northumberland coast, the first drops of sleety rain began splattering on the windscreen.Ā  We haven’t really had any sort of winter yet, apart from an hour of snow on December…

  • Sport Relief

    I spent yesterday in an unfamiliar role; as support to The Swan Striders (Sarah and Kirsty) as they took part in the Sport Relief mile at Druridge Bay Country Park.Ā  This is the first step in a grand plan that should eventually see them completing a marathon.Ā  As they only began their training regime a…

  • The (h)edge of reason

    We’re well into warm(er) weather now, although there was a fresh covering of snow this morningĀ and asĀ Martin sat through a 2hr meeting at Matfen Hall yesterday morning there was steady snowfall throughout. As well as the flocks of birds that are visiting gardens so that they can find enough food to survive we’ve been finding…