Interpreting; Otter Safari 16/09/2015
I’ve been finding and observing wildlife for well over 40 years, and if there’s one thing I’ve learnt it’s that other wildlife will (almost) always be better at it than I am… Day four for Clare and Peter was an Otter Safari, and we collected Chris and Mel, and David and Mike, from Church Point…
Persistence; Druridge Bay Safari 13/09/2015
Birdwatching is a mosaic of challenges; gulls, raptors, waders and seawatching can all test your ID skills, but at least you can usually see the bird… I collected Clare and Peter from The Swan for the first of their 5 consecutive days out with NEWT, and we headed across to the coast. An impressive charm…
Autumn passage; Northumberland Coast Bespoke Birdwatching 01/09/2015
The start of the month brought returning clients, David and Mary who were out with us in 2009 and 2012 and who we see at the Bird Fair each August. Starting at Newbiggin we set out south down the coast and soon found ourselves standing on a track with nine Blackbirds ahead of us, along…
A chill wind; Druridge Bay mini-Safari 08/07/2015
I arrived at Church Point to collect Ray and Joan & Ian and Kate, and we headed up the coast for an evening around Druridge Bay. Mediterranean Gulls, Little Gulls, Avocets, Black-tailed Godwits and a huge flock of Lapwing flushed as a young male Marsh Harrier flew through, Goldfinch, Linnet and Tree Sparrow were busying…
Waders; Druridge Bay Safari 31/08/2014
You wouldn’t think that birds which spend much of their lives face deep in mud would be that fascinating, but July and August is one of my favourite times on the coast, precisely because of those birds 🙂 I collected Carole and Gareth from Church Point and we headed a little way up the coast…