Mini-beasting; Bespoke Otter Safari 02/09/2014

It’s remarkable how often a theme seems to develop during a trip; flocks, migration, raptors, birds with similar names – all have happened over the last few years.

I drove up to the Breamish Valley to collect Donna and Andy and we headed towards the coast and Druridge Bay with the plan of spending the afternoon and evening birdwatching, finishing at what has been our most reliable Otter site this year (although a run of five successful trips eneded with our last two Druridge Bay safaris not producing any sightings of this enigmatic predator).  Starting in the hills on a nice afternoon, I thought it would be good to search for Adders, and Andy’s sharp eyes produced the goods, with the smallest Adder that I’ve ever seen 🙂

The afternoon continued with the waders we would expect – Ruff, Curlew, Lapwing, Redshank, Oystercatcher, Dunlin, Common Snipe – and one much more scarce, in the shape of two Little Stints.  We had a rear-end view of a Spoonbill heading north and a Little Egret was stalking along the shallows.  It may be a predominantly white bird, but it’s stunning in good light.  Adult and juvenile Mediterranean Gulls were picked out from the roosting Black-headed Gulls and, as dusk approached, we settled into position to watch for Otters.  A juvenile Marsh Harrier was quartering the reedbeds, Starlings were arriving to roost, with some murmuration, a Spoonbill flew in, magnificent in the sunset, then, in the fading rays of daylight, there was an Otter 🙂  Clearly a theme was developing, as this was a very small Otter cub.  Eventually light levels reached the point where we decided to call it a day and head back northwest.  The day’s theme continued, with a tiny Rabbit along the roadside, and then the final wildlife experience, on a day with wildlife and clients that reminded me so often why I love my job; a Barn Owl crossing the road ahead of us before perching in the beam of our headlights 🙂

2 responses to “Mini-beasting; Bespoke Otter Safari 02/09/2014”

  1. What a fantastic day out this was and we can’t thank Martin enough. Martin’s knowledge was fantastic and he was also great company for a Hull fan ;-). It was a joy to be out for 9 hours and we saw some great wildlife and some weird fog formations along the coast. Martin’s passion for wildlife was a joy and addictive.

    The packed lunch alone was worth the journey! Bacon, black pudding and apple chutney. Its making my mouth water just thinking about it haha.

    Thanks again Martin. If we are ever up there again (which we will be) you may well be getting another dose of us again.


  2. Hi Andy and Donna

    It was great to meet you both, and glad to hear that you had a fantastic day 🙂 Those weird cloud/fog/mist/sea fret conditions really make the coast a strange experience at times.