Panic; Otter Safari 14/09/16
We always try to provide a weather forecast a day or two before a trip; it helps people to decide what footwear would be appropriate for example. Sunday’s update for everyone booked on yesterday’s Otter Safari was ‘Current weather forecast suggests dry and warm with only a very light NE breeze.’ By yesterday morning that…
“Can you remember when…”; Druridge Bay Safari 04/08/16
Yesterday was a Druridge Bay Safari for Andy, Jill and Cat, who’d been out with us in February, and Gill, who’s a newcomer to NEWT, but has two more trips booked next week 🙂 Five Little Egret together between Amble and Warkworth was a good start to the day, while 15 juvenile Goosander formed a…
A Ruff morning for a Redshank; Druridge Bay Safari 03/06/16
As much as I enjoy searching for, and finding, wildlife with our clients I have to admit to a fascination what wildlife does and how it behaves… I collected Stephen and Kate from The Swan for their second day out with NEWT, this time exploring NEWT’s local patch of Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland. Druridge…
Welcome to the dance; Druridge Bay Safari 11/05/16
The influence of the weather on our wildlife can never be underestimated. Strong cold winds are often a signal for everything to go into hiding, seeking warmth and shelter in reedbeds, bushes, behind rocks…pretty much anywhere where they’ll be tricky to see. Last Saturday was in that cold and windy category so I was pleased…
The approaching storm; Druridge Bay Prestige Tour 04/01/2016
04/01/2008, and NEWT’s first ever day out with clients was a strange, cold, gloomy day where we managed to find our target species for the day, Roe Deer. Eight years on and I found myself out with clients on January 4th again… As I arrived at Church Point to collect Roberta and Dougie, the first…
Feeding time; Otter Safari 29/12/2015
Yesterday saw returning clients, as Jayne and Andy joined us for an Otter Safari. Their previous day with NEWT, back in September 2010, proved memorable as we found a White-winged Black Tern at Cresswell. Under blue skies and sunshine, in stark contrast to recent days, we headed for Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland. Arriving at…