Mini-beasts in the mist; Lindisfarne Safari 14/06/16
I met up with Malcolm and Jill and we headed across the causeway onto Holy Island, in conditions that looked slightly misty… The simple song of a Reed Bunting echoed in the mist as the curious hypnotic ‘sharming’ of a Water Rail came from deep in the reeds. As the mist thickened, visibility dropped and…
Dolphins; Farne Islands Bespoke Photography 07/06/16
Tuesday was a trip I’d been looking forward to for a long time, a bespoke photography trip to the Farne Islands, for the parents of one of our Seal Safari clients from back in 2009. I arrived in Seahouse to collect Jill, Pete, Liz and Bernie and we had a couple of hours on the…
When the north wind blows; Lindisfarne Safari 02/06/16
Thursday was a Lindisfarne Safari where we had the option of either staying on the island over the high tide period, or concentrating on the mainland sites in the Lindisfarne NNR… I collected Stephen and Kate from The Swan, and we headed up the A1 to collect Gordon and Mandy for their 4th day out…
Bird of the Day; Lindisfarne Safari 10/05/16
I can’t think of a species of bird that I don’t enjoy watching. Every last one of them has something special, but some just have more than others… I collected Steve and Carrie from the Bamburgh Castle Inn and we headed north towards Lindisfarne. Starting with a walk along the Crooked Lonnen we’d soon found…
Patience; Otter Safari 07/04/16
I collected Gwyn for a day searching for Otters around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland and we headed towards the coast… Our first site didn’t produce any Otter sightings, and there was nothing happening amongst the assembled Curlew, Redshank, Cormorant, Little Egret, Oystercatcher and Mallard to suggest that they were worried about any unseen predator…
Birds in Flight; Bespoke Photography 19/06/15
Our Bespoke Photography ‘Birds in Flight’ workshop was a day out for Max and Nigel – Max’s prize for winning the ‘Young Person’s’ category at last years North East Wildlife Photography Awards. We met up at Newbiggin and drove up the coast to Seahouses. Before sailing across to the islands, we had a session covering…
Divebombed; Farne Islands Safari 03/06/2015
Wednesday’s weather was a complete contrast to Tuesday as I collected Mike and Janet from Dunstan Steads. This was their second trip with NEWT, after a Lindisfarne trip last November, and today we were heading across to the Farne Islands. Starting on dry land, we watched Grey Seals lazing in the sunshine as Skylarks soared…
Feeding frenzy; Farne Islands Safari 26/05/2015
Tuesday was our first landing trip to the Farne Islands this year, with the breeding season well underway for some species, and only just getting started for others. I collected Sally, Ian, Ben and Hannah from Waren Mill (you’d be surprised at how well hidden a holiday cottage can be in such a small village…)…