I met up with Malcolm and Jill and we headed across the causeway onto Holy Island, in conditions that looked slightly misty…
The simple song of a Reed Bunting echoed in the mist as the curious hypnotic ‘sharming’ of a Water Rail came from deep in the reeds. As the mist thickened, visibility dropped and we walked around the north of the island, where swathes of orchids added a splash of colour to the grey of the morning. Garden Tiger caterpillars trundled across the paths in front of us and tiny hoverflies settled on flower petals. The mist cleared, warm sunshine broke through the thin veil…and then it got even mistier 🙂 Roe Deer watched us from long vegetation before bounding away across the fields as we continued our exploration of the ground around our feet. Reed Buntings, Linnets, and Stonechats were perched atop hawthorn bushes as Skylarks sang from high overhead and Meadow Pipits parachuted back to ground in their display flight. With the tide falling and uncovering the road back to the mainland, and leaving Grey Seals hauled out on sandbars, we headed back towards the car through as Sandwich Terns suddenly appeared from the mist taking a shortcut over the island and back out to sea.
So much to see, whatever the weather 🙂