Pirates of Cullerfornia; NEWT’s North Sea pelagic 12/07/17

Offshore from the small seaside town of Cullercoats, there be pirates…

Our 4hr evening pelagic on 12th July brought excellent views of a dashing piratical Arctic Skua and a stunning sunset

Our 4hr evening pelagic on 12th July brought excellent views of a dashing piratical Arctic Skua and a stunning sunset

Our 4hr evening pelagic on 12th July brought excellent views of a dashing piratical Arctic Skua and a stunning sunset

Our 4hr evening pelagic on 12th July brought excellent views of a dashing piratical Arctic Skua and a stunning sunset

Our 4hr evening pelagic on 12th July brought excellent views of a dashing piratical Arctic Skua and a stunning sunset