Birds, birds, birds; NEWT’s North Sea pelagic 10/07/17

Our evening pelagic on 10/07/17 had dramartic skies away to the north and the star of the show was a Great Skua that followed us for nearly an hour

Our evening pelagic on 10/07/17 had dramartic skies away to the north and the star of the show was a Great Skua that followed us for nearly an hour

Our evening pelagic on 10/07/17 had dramartic skies away to the north and the star of the show was a Great Skua that followed us for nearly an hour

Our evening pelagic on 10/07/17 had dramartic skies away to the north and the star of the show was a Great Skua that followed us for nearly an hour

Our evening pelagic on 10/07/17 had dramartic skies away to the north and the star of the show was a Great Skua that followed us for nearly an hour