Category: Druridge Bay

  • Otter Safari 15/05/21

    The last 14 months has been a strange time of arranging, postponing, rearranging, postponing, so it was a relief to finally be heading to Newbiggin to collect Mel, George, Betsy and Ernest for a few hours around southeast Northumberland and Druridge Bay. Starting with clear blue skies we watched mallards, gadwall, Canada geese, mute swans,…

  • Wading through the sublime light; Druridge Bay mini-Safari 20/08/2020

    I arrived to meet Paul and Helen ahead of a few hours around Druridge Bay and we set off to walk south along the coast… A mixed wader/gull/tern roost produced Lapwing, Golden Plover, Dunlin, Knot, Ruff, Black-tailed Godwit, Little Ringed Plover, Common Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Sandwich Tern and Common, Black-headed, Herring and Great Black-backed Gull…

  • Druridge Bay mini-Safari 12/08/2020

    With COVID19 having brought about some changes to how we deliver our mini-Safaris, I arrived at Druridge Bay to collect John and Jo for NEWT’s first land-based tour since February… Our tour model for the last 12 years has been built around the use of the NEWTmobile (initially our Land Rover Defender, and more recently…

  • Bespoke Otter Safari 07/02/20

    As I collected Amy and James from Warkworth, ahead of a day around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland, the forecast for the morning was good, but there was a chance it would start to deteriorate during the afternoon… With only a gentle breeze every area of water we looked at was close to mirror-calm. Mallard,…

  • Vital signs; Otter mini-Safari 12/01/20

    A dual purpose title for today’s blog… I collected Fara, Andrew and Nicola & Graeme and Jen from Newbiggin and we set off to explore Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland on a Sunday morning that was thankfully lacking the stiff breeze that has characterised the winter so far… Water that was almost mirror-calm was patterned…

  • Halcyon days; Otter Safari 19/12/19

    After a couple of weeks where we didn’t have any scheduled trips it was a nice change of scenery to have a day out around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland and I collected Kev from Woodhorn as the rain started to fall… Mid-morning produced a trio of great birds. A 1st winter Glaucous Gull had…

  • Waxing and Murmuring; Druridge Bay Safari 19/11/19

    I arrived in Newbiggin to collect Colin and Charlotte for a day around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland, but sadly not Tony who’d had a fall earlier in the week and wasn’t able to be on the trip with us… On calm water Little Grebes were constantly diving as a Kingfisher flew by and settled…

  • Murmuration; Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari 21/10/19

    Late October and big flocks of stuff are starting to feature more and more prominently… I collected Caroline, Ian and Ted from Embleton and we headed down the coast towards NEWT’s local patch, Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland. Little Grebes were diving in calm water as Cormorants sat on long dead branches and a Kingfisher…

  • Fishing; Otter Safari 22/09/19

    I collected Ulf and Alison, Ian and Lainey and Leigh and Paul from Newbiggin and we set off for an afternoon and evening around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… Little Egrets were darting at small fish in the shallows as Mute Swans and Canada Geese got out of the way of two paddle-boarders who were…

  • Mystery; Otter Safari 05/09/19

    I’ve neglected the blog over the last month so here come a series of short posts to get us back up to date… Sometimes we see things that our clients can’t believe, sometimes we see things that we can’t believe and sometimes, we see things that we can’t find any explanation for… At the end…