Mystery; Otter Safari 05/09/19

I’ve neglected the blog over the last month so here come a series of short posts to get us back up to date…

Sometimes we see things that our clients can’t believe, sometimes we see things that we can’t believe and sometimes, we see things that we can’t find any explanation for…

At the end of an afternoon and evening around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland, Paul had just spotted our third Marsh Harrier of the trip. This one was different though, as it was wing-tagged. I’ve never seen a wing-tagged Marsh Harrier so I was immediately wondering who’s tagging them and where. An orange tag on each wing was all we could see so I searched the colour scheme website the next day…and discovered that no tagging scheme is using orange tags on both wings of Marsh Harriers.. More enquiries over the last few weeks, and it’s still a mystery…