The best laid plans

Friday 29th saw an unplanned visit to Allendale and the moorland of the North Pennines. Several birds performed very well in front of Christina’s camera. Nuthatches sat on a wall in front of us, and a Dipper eventually rewarded some very patient stalking. The real stars though were the grouse; Red Grouse were abundant and close to the road at several sites but the real prize would be close views of Black Grouse. The first site had no birds at all but it always helps to have a Plan B. Sure enough, we could see two Blackcocks distantly on a steep hillside. I suggested that Christina should open the window and get her camera ready. As I let the Land Rover move slowly downhill we spotted a Blackcock hiding next to a clump of grass. And that’s where it stayed as the memory card on Christina’s camera began to fill with images of this magnificent bird. Eventually it wandered out of sight and we headed off over one of my favourite moorland roads, where the Red Grouse on our website and leaflets was photographed. A few Red Grouse were dotted among the heather but two Blackcocks were standing out in the open next to the road! They were on my side so the camera was passed across and I had the honour of capturing the images as they stood and looked at us. The North Pennines in late-August will definitely be added to our itinerary for 2009.