Fireworks; Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari 04/11/18
If there’s one thing that’s even less predictable than wildlife it’s the weather, so when I collected Ted and Elaine for an afternoon and evening around Druridge Bay searching for Otters, with stargazing planned for the end of the trip, we were at the mercy of both… Dense flocks of Golden Plover and Lapwing were…
Shifting breeze; Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari 17/09/18
Yesterday was a Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari for Russell and Elena and I was glad it was happening before the forecast deterioration in the weather over the next few days. I collected them from Rothbury and we headed towards the coast and an afternoon and evening around NEWT’s local patch, which turned into an enlightening…
Deluge; Otter Safari 06/09/18
Our second Otter Safari in 2 days looked as thought it was unlikely to be blessed with the same good weather as Wednesday… I collected Alison and then Amanda and David from Newbiggin and we set off for an afternoon and evening around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland searching for Otters. When the Otters eluded…
Early Autumn mist; Bespoke Otter Safari 05/09/18
I collected David and Jean from Holystone in warm sunshine, ahead of an afternoon and evening around our favourite spots for Otters in Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… Little Egrets were patrolling the shallows, darting at small fish, Redshanks were calling noisily and the hedgerows, with plump sweet blackberries, were playing host to lots of…
Now you see me…; Druridge Bay Safari 22/06/18
Last Thursday was Anne and Howard’s 2nd day out with NEWT, after a Farne Islands trip in June last year, and this time our destination was NEWT’s local patch – Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… In glorious sunshine we started with a woodland walk. Jays and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were characteristically quite vocal, and Coal…
Save the best ’til last; Druridge Bay Safari 20/04/18
All of our Safari Days have developed over the last ten years, and even on our familiar, regular Druridge Bay Safaris there’s always the possibility of changing the route slightly and visiting sites that we visit ourselves regularly but haven’t taken clients to yet… That’s how I found myself with Ian and Elaine & Becky…
Shadow hunter; Otter mini-Safari 27/03/18
The rain that started soon after I collected Marilyn, Pam, John and Jen & Anne and Bridget from Church Point had passed over and there was a touch of azure beyond the clouds overhead… An obliging Little Owl had given us a stare from it’s perch in a bare tree as we head up the…
Breezy with a chance of Otters 🙂 Otter Safari 21/03/18
Yesterday morning was glorious; blue sky, fluffy white clouds, not much a of a breeze. By the time I collected Jon and Lesley from Church Point ahead of an afternoon and evening around Druridge Bay searching for Otters it was cloudy, cold, breezy and the first few drops of rain had patterned the car windscreen……