In the wake of Hector; Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari 15/06/18
I collected Alison and Paul from Amble and we set out for an afternoon and evening exploring Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland, in search of Otters and Badgers… One Otter site had to be removed from our itinerary after a walk along it on Thursday, following the passing of Storm Hector, had revealed a path…
Lovely afternoon, murky evening; Druridge Bay Bespoke Birdwatching 13/06/18
Yesterday was Mike and Maggie’s 5th day out with NEWT and we were heading to Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… Days out with returning clients are always a pleasure; catching up with what’s been going on since we last met and sharing notes on our local wildlife is much more an afternoon with old friends,…
Mist, murk, mud and mergansers; Otter Safari 12/04/18
I collected Stephen and Soraya from The Swan, then Martyn and Colin, and Jo, from Church Point, ahead of an afternoon around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland searching for Otters… On a stiff easterly breeze with drizzle, mist, murk and heavy rain showers, spirits could have been dampened but having a car filled with cheerful…
Waders in the wet; Druridge Bay Bespoke Safari 03/04/18
Tuesday was forecast to be a nice day but when I collected John and Sue from Newbiggin, for a day around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland, I wasn’t entirely convinced… It didn’t take too long for the rain to arrive, while we were watching a flock of 22 Goldeneye who were presumably wishing they’d chosen…
Breezy with a chance of Otters 🙂 Otter Safari 21/03/18
Yesterday morning was glorious; blue sky, fluffy white clouds, not much a of a breeze. By the time I collected Jon and Lesley from Church Point ahead of an afternoon and evening around Druridge Bay searching for Otters it was cloudy, cold, breezy and the first few drops of rain had patterned the car windscreen……
Omens; Focus on Northumberland Day 1 and 2 17-18/02/18
Day 1 17/02/18 After collecting John and Dani from Hexham we headed to The Battlesteads; our base for the next three days. Saturday’s evening session at the observatory featured some clear sky and we managed a quick binocular tour of Orion, Leo, Gemini, Cassiopeia, Auriga and the Plough before the rain eventually drove us back…
Ravenous; Otter mini-Safari 13/02/18
As I collected Simon, Judith, Susanna and Phoebe from Newbiggin ahead of an afternoon searching for Otters around Druridge Bay the sky darkened and rain turned to sleet turned to snow… Under an overcast sky with barely a hint of a breeze, the uniform colour of the water made it easy to spot any movement. …
Crashing waves; Druridge Bay Safari 01/02/18
Arriving at Church Point to collect Jenny and Peter, and Lynne, it was looking like we’d have a dry, but cold and windy day around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… With a stiff breeze, every bit of water we looked at, whether river, pool, pond or roadside flash flood was being whipped up into a…