It’s a rare day when a trip features a limited number of birds and other wildlife, but even the days with lots to see often have a few things that really stand out; sometimes by being scarce, sometimes it’s an intriguing behaviour, and sometimes it can be something that’s quite common but rarely seen. An…
Through our clients eyes
After four years of guiding visiting birdwatchers around some of the stunning habitat that we have in Northumberland, one thing we’ve learned above all else is that hardly any two people hear, or see, things the same as each other. As I drove to Rothbury, to collect Bill, Kate, Gerry and Ieva, I was wondering…
Friday was our fourth Druridge Bay/southeast Northumberland safari of the week, and it was a real pleasure to meet up with Lawrie and Linda, 2 of our returning clients from last year. We started with a specific request; Brown Hare. In the strong wind, persistent drizzle and biting cold they were keeping their heads down…all except…
A day in the Bay, Birdwatching Northumberland (part 2)
Our second day out with the winners of last year’s Birdwatching Northumberland competition, was a day in Druridge Bay. It provided a real contrast with our earlier trip to the Harthope Valley. After collecting Jean and Andy from the Bamburgh Castle Inn we headed down to Embleton to collect Helen, our third client on this trip,…