The colour of light; Autumn Colours Photography Workshop 27/10/19
Sunday’s photography workshop was a guest short after a late rearrangement for one guest. I collected Sachin and Lucy from the Battlesteads and we headed to Cawfields Quarry. That wasn’t our original plan, but heavy rain meant needing to find a location that wouldn’t be treacherous underfoot. In just over 3hrs we covered exposure, focusing…
Coastal Dusk; Beginners Photography Workshop 18/10/2014
I always enjoy our Beginner’s Photography Workshops, whether we’re on the Farne Islands at the height of the breeding season, chilled to the bone at dawn in the late winter or exploring the hidden world of autumn woodland everyone learns something, including me 🙂 I met up with Sian for a session photographing the coastal…
Shades of Grey; Beginner’s Photography 29/03/2014
Early starts aren’t for everyone – I was once approached by a photography tuition company who wanted me to lead some landscape workshops for them, and the conversation was odd, to say the least “Yeah, no problem. If it’s in March we’ll start at 05:00, other times of the year will vary depending on sunrise…
A walk in the woods; Beginners Photography 12/10/2013
Our October photography workshop subject was Fungi. The morning was damp and drizzly, but I’d packed several versatile waterproof camera covers – you can pick them up from your local supermarket, usually free with your shopping 🙂 Dave was on his third day with us this year, and kindly emailed some of his images from…