A herd of pygmies; Otter mini-Safari 26/03/19
I collected Jennie and Dean from Newbiggin and we set out for a few hours exploring Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… A chilly westerly wind kept temperatures down and the wildlife was a mixture of winter and spring; Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser and flocks of Mallard, Teal and geese were a lingering reminder of the big…
Early spring 🙂 Otter mini-Safari 23/03/19
Arriving in Newbiggin to collect Jonathan and Emily & Scot and Sam, there was chilly breeze but a definite feel of changing season in the air… Cormorants were roosting on fallen trees in the river and with a big tide they soon found their tail feathers and feet getting wet 🙂 Oystercatchers, Redshank, Lapwing and…
Fretting; Otter mini-Safari 24/02/19
I usually say that the only weather condition that isn’t good for wildlife-watching is really strong wind. There is another one though, but it’s pretty infrequent… I collected Barry and Bridie from Warkworth under blue sky and beautiful late winter sunshine and we headed towards Druridge Bay for a few hours. I knew what we…
Spring has sprung? Otter mini-Safari 23/02/19
After a break from Safaris and blogging, after I was diagnosed with a rare illness last year and had surgery in early January, it was great to be back out in the field with clients yesterday. I collected Paul and Jennifer, Paul and Kirsty and Alastair and Jess from Newbiggin and we set off for…
A hard act to swallow; Otter Safari 20/11/18
In March last year I was knocked off my bike by a car in Bedlington (which is our local town). The day after the incident, I posted in our local Facebook group, thanking everyone who helped me. “I don’t know if they’re in this group but I’d just like to say a huge thank you…
Mesmerising murmuration; Druridge Bay Bespoke birdwatching 15/11/18
A lot of our clients muse on the possibility of retiring and moving to Northumberland, and John had done just that and booked a bespoke day out with us to explore some of the lesser-known birdwatching sites around Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… With an almost cloudless blue sky and a chill wind we set…
Shifting breeze; Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari 17/09/18
Yesterday was a Bespoke Druridge Bay Safari for Russell and Elena and I was glad it was happening before the forecast deterioration in the weather over the next few days. I collected them from Rothbury and we headed towards the coast and an afternoon and evening around NEWT’s local patch, which turned into an enlightening…