Murky; NEWT’s North Sea pelagic 26/07/19
Glassy calm sea, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Puffins, Common Scoters, Gannets, a couple of Harbour Porpoises putting in brief appearances…and torrential rain and generally murky conditions all made for a quite atmospheric 4hr evening pelagic 🙂
Porpoiseful observation; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 24/07/19
Yesterday’s 4hr evening pelagic started with a sky that looked certain to deliver an impressive sunset… With little swell and only a very gentle westerly breeze, the sea was as smooth as we’ve seen it in a while. Puffins and Guillemots were on the water and skittering across the surface as we passed them, Kittiwakes…
A swell time 😉 NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 19/07/19
Friday’s 4hr evening pelagic headed out of the Tyne piers into a stiff breeze and long rolling swell… Kittiwakes and Fulmars circled the boat, Gannets soared by, Manx Shearwaters rose out of the troughs and up over wave crests before vanishing back behind the swell, Puffins , Guillemots and Razorbills sat on the water before…
Blustery; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 17/07/19
Wednesday’s 4hr evening pelagic had a forecast that looked good… We checked south of the Tyne first and were accompanied by Kittiwakes and Fulmars on a stiffening westerly as Puffins, Guillemots and Razorbills sat on the water, Gannets soared past and flocks of Common Scoter speckled the dark grey sky. By the time we found…
Subtle sunset…and here come the White-beaks 🙂 NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 10/07/19
After a cetacean-free pelagic last Friday I was hopeful that Bottlenose Dolphins have mainly moved north and White-beaked Dolphins would be here any day now… A flock of Common Scoter off Whitley Bay liftg4d from the water and flew past us, Puffins and Common Guillemots were sitting on the sea, Gannets soared past and myself…
Heron there 😉 Druridge Bay Safari 09/07/19
I collected Robin and Cia, and Linda and Pete, from Newbiggin ahead of a day exploring Druridge Bay and southeast Northumberland… Over the years we’ve refined our tours on the coast to included different habitat types and starting with a walk through some riparian woodland we were rewarded with great views of Nuthatches and a…
St Mary’s sunset; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 05/07/19
Friday’s 4hr pelagic demonstrated just how quickly things can change with our marine wildlife. A few Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Gannets and small flocks of Manx Shearwaters and a bigger flock of Common Scoter were far fewer birds than on our previous sailings and the echo finder showed that there was very little in the way…