Heading offshore; NEWT’s North Sea pelagic 14/08/18

Yesterday was the first of our 10hr ‘Northumberland Ultimate Pelagic’ sailings for this year and it started well with two Harbour Porpoises at the mouth of the Tyne, then another two a couple of miles further north.  As Gannets soared by, Fulmars circled us and Kittiwakes and Lesser Black-backed Gulls tagged along in our wake, two White-beaked Dolphins put in a brief appearance and the swell started to build.  By mid-afternoon we’d got heavy rain and then another 5 dolphins spent a couple of minutes bow-riding 🙂

Our August 29th, September 15th and September 22nd 10hr sailings each have two places still available so give us a call on 01670 827465 to book your place 🙂

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea

White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris,Northumberland,dolphin spotting, dolphin spotting Northumberland, dolphin spotting UK, dolphin spotting England, dolphin spotting North Sea, whale watching Northumberland, whale watching UK, whale watching England, whale watching North Sea