Northumberland Ultimate Pelagic 15/08/2020
Saturday was our first 10hr pelagic, after August 5th had weather that wasn’t great. White-beaked Dolphin put in an appearance early in the day, a Minke Whale was well to the ENE of Alnmouth and Harbour Porpoise were regular throughout the day. Amongst mist and rain we had some sublime conditions, extraordinary light and incredibly…
Whales and Dolphins; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 31/08/13
Our annual Whale and Dolphin Cruise on Glad Tidings V is one of the highlights of our North Sea Pelagic programme. With over 40 people booked on to this year’s sailing, we were going to need to be organised and efficient getting everyone on to the boat – luckily I’m married to Sarah, so organisation…
Supporting cast; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 19/07/2013
In late July there are a few species that we’d be amazed to not find on a North Sea pelagic trip; Guillemot, Razorbill, Puffin, Kittiwake, Fulmar and Gannet are all great birds to see, and are all part of the experience that is the North Sea in mid-summer. There are other species that can overshadow…
As I collected Carol and Howard from their holiday accommodation in Alnwick, the bright afternoon sunshine was going to make viewing conditions difficult for the first few hours. The plan for the afternoon and evening was the one that has worked so well for us in mid-July previously; birdwatching around Druridge Bay, a quick scan…
A Whale of a time; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 12/07/13 Part 2
It was a chance I wasn’t going to miss; I was on the PV St Oswald, we were about to pass the SarahJFK in the River Tyne at North Shields, Sarah was on board with 10 of our clients and a late withdrawal had left a space free 🙂 The smoothest of ship-to-ship transfers –…
Jumping ship; NEWT’s North Sea Pelagic 12/07/13 Part 1
Our fourth evening pelagic for 2013 was last Friday, and it was looking like I wasn’t going to make it… 05:00 and the alarm cuts through my slumber. I get out of bed, go downstairs and make coffee. Camera equipment, cetacean survey kit (gps, rangefinder binoculars, recording forms) and food had been sorted out on…